Voluntary Action LeicesterShire (VAL) released an emotive video at the culmination of National Volunteers Week on Sunday 7th June 2020 to say “Thank You” to all the volunteers who have given their time, not just in the last few weeks, but over the previous months when local communities have needed it the most.
A combination of well-known faces from city and county, including Sir Peter Soulsby and Rupal Rajani, recite a poem that was specially written for the video by Leicestershire local and Creative Director at FU Media, Jonathan Fraser-Urquhart.
Kevin Allen-Khimani, Executive Manager – Public Sector Contracts & Projects at VAL, said: “We are incredibly proud of the work all our volunteers have done over the years, but this year in particular has seen us all face challenges we never thought we would, and so many have relied completely on the support of volunteers to get them through.
“For National Volunteers Week 2020, we thought it only right to say a special thank you to those who have stepped up and I challenge anyone watching the video not to be wiping away a little tear of pride by the end – I know I certainly was!”
Alongside the estimated 6,000 charities and community groups across Leicester and Leicestershire, the current pandemic has seen an ‘army’ of over 2,500 people sign up to support their local community following VAL’s recent outreach campaign, run in conjunction with Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council.
The team are hopeful that those who have pledged their time more recently throughout the pandemic, will continue to find the opportunity to support others through volunteering as things move back to “normal”.
You can watch the Voluntary Action LeicesterShire Thank You video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WE1mJdaB5kw