A glittering awards ceremony celebrating the positive impact made on the local community by volunteers and charities took place last night at the inaugural Voluntary Awards Leicester & Leicestershire (VALLs) held at Leicester’s Morningside Arena and sponsored by Morningside Pharmaceuticals.
The ceremony, hosted by BBC Radio Leicester presenter Rupal Rajani and Voluntary Action LeicesterShire’s Kevin Allen-Khimani, was an evening of celebration and pride, focussing on the individuals and voluntary organisations across Leicester and Leicestershire that have made a difference in 2019.
The awards were established by Voluntary Action LeicesterShire (VAL), who wanted to recognise the important role that is played by the thousands of voluntary organisations across the city and county, and the vital services they provide within their communities.
Kevin Allen-Khimani, Executive Manager for Public Sector Contracts and Projects at VAL commented: “We were thrilled with the number of entries we had for the VALLs, especially as it’s only our first year, and the calibre of our finalists was outstanding. So much so, that we didn’t envy the judges having to choose just one winner in each category!”
“We wanted the awards to give the unsung heroes in our sector the recognition they deserve and have thoroughly enjoyed celebrating with all our finalists and winners this evening.”
The VALLs are sponsored by Morningside Pharmaceuticals Ltd, which manufactures and suppliers quality Generic and Branded medicines to the UK and International markets.
The Winners
City Charity of the Year (Sponsored by Action Coach)
o The Bridge Homelessness to Hope
o Hope Against Cancer
o FreeVA
City Small Charity of the Year (Sponsored by Next)
o Sound Café Leicester
o Leicester City of Sanctuary
o Team Troupers Dance Academy
County Charity of the Year (Sponsored by Freeths Solicitors)
o Bodie Hodges Foundation
o Norton Housing & Support
o Menphys
County Small Charity of the Year (Sponsored by BHIB Insurance Brokers)
o The Well
o The Heera Foundation
o Quorn Mills Park Bowling Club
Trustee of the Year
o Linda Jones
o Eileen Richardson
o Christine Ringrose
Volunteer-Led Organisation of the Year (Sponsored by Zinthiya Trust)
o Woodhouse & Woodhouse Eaves Good Neighbour Scheme
o Baby Basics
o Help the Homeless
Volunteer of the Year (Sponsored by Dluxe Magazine)
o Emma Hallam
o Adrien Key
o Capt. Matthew Taylor
o Azar Richardson
o Prue Padmore
Social Enterprise of the Year (Sponsored by East Midlands Chamber)
o Dear Albert
o Soulful Group
o Iconic
Voluntary Sector Ally of the Year (Sponsored by Business 2 Business)
o Caterpillar UK Limited
o Barrie Stephen
o Nicola Bassindale
Overall Charity of the Year
o Woodhouse and Woodhouse Eaves Good Neighbourhood Scheme
Lifetime Achievement Award (Sponsored by Voluntary Action LeicesterShire)
o Rick Moore
To find out how your business, charity or group could value from talking to VAL contact them on 0116 257 5050 or visit https://valonline.org.uk/